Friday, 19 December 2014

More theory success

The Dive Leader trainees all passed their theory test last Tuesday. Congratulations!

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Christmas Drinks

Quite a few turned out in the cold for the Christmas social. We were kept warm by all the chatting and camaraderie not forgetting the drinks!

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Theory Success

Congratulations to our Sports Diver trainees who passed their theory test last night.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Chinese Meal

Those who came to the Chinese meal last night had a lovely time. However none of us were very adventurous. We stuck with the 3 course set meal and decided against the Fish Lips with Webbed Duck Feet Hotpot!

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Successful Oxygen Administration Course

The Oxygen Administration Course produced five new oxygen administrators. These people are a very useful safety resource for the club. Many thanks to you all including the instructors for giving up your Saturday to achieve this.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

New Sports Diver

We had a training trip to Cromhall on Sunday. Three Sports Diver trainees came along. All did well at their various exercises. One has completed his training and has been signed up as a Sports Diver. Congratulations!

Monday, 13 October 2014

Maltese Holiday

Twelve divers, three non divers and one baby went to Malta for the first week of October. They flew from all corners of the world - well Bristol, Egypt and Germany to be exact. We had a wonderful week of diving and sightseeing. We dived all three islands - Malta,  Comino, and Gozo. There were scenic dives, caves and wrecks. Underwater visibility was amazing. The weather was good with sun for most of the time with a couple of terrific thunderstorms. We shall be visiting Malta again.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

A day out in Teignmouth

A day trip organised for the more experienced and dived up members of the club. We visited the Bretagne and the Geffion. Flat seas for once but terrible vis - shame.

August Bank Holiday in Falmouth

Lovely weather, interesting diving, good food and great company!

Monday, 11 August 2014

Westbay Trip

The Westbay trip was partially successful with lovely weather and a new member getting to dive with us for the first time. Unfortunately the sea was too rough for those with more delicate stomachs.

Exciting Encounters in Devon

The diving in Bigbury Bay started normally enough with a dive on the Persier wreck. For the second dive we decided on a shallow dive in the gullies behind Burgh Island. The wild life was amazing with masked, edible spider and swimming crabs, dog fish, various wrasse and cuttlefish. However the best was meeting a trigger fish. An unusual fish for British waters.

Trainees Complete Ocean Diver Qualification

Two of the Ocean Diver trainees have completed their training and gained their qualification.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Successful Torquay Trip

I think I can safely say that all had a great time on the recent Torquay trip.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

More New Divers!

Another two divers have been introduced to the joys of open water.

Monday, 2 June 2014

New Divers

Three new divers hit open water today. Welcome to the diving world!

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Devon delights

A group of us spent the week end at Plymouth. The weather was good to us although the sea state stopped us diving on Sunday. However this was made up for by the great visibility for the dives on Saturday and Monday. Dived some interesting wrecks.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Vobster Quay

With the weather forecast as fantastic, Vobster Quay proved to be a good choice for a quick spur of the moment dive or two. Vis was a pea soup around Jacquin II and Jester Henge but excellent in the shallows. Even the tunnel didn't seem so dark! Lovely laid back day.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Easter Diving

First sea dives of the season at Portland. Looking forward to many more.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Going from strength to strength!

Yesterday was a great day for the club. We had a newer member complete their first dive with us, we gained a Dive Leader and we also gained an assistant open water instructor. The club is definitely going from strength to strength!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Harbour Cruise

Tenbar was taken to the harbour on Sunday for a check out after her service and to introduce some of the new members to her. We went for a cruise up to the Feeder and back taking in some of the historic sights of Bristol. Despite the hailstorms everyone enjoyed themselves. We then had to go to the pub to warm up.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Bye Bye Rain - Hello Sun!

After all the rain and wind we finally dusted off the dive kit and tested it out at Cromhall. What a wonderful day!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Happy Birthday RNLI!

190 years ago on the 3 March the Royal National Lifeboat Institution was founded in London. Since then they have saved over 140,000 lives. Many happy returns!

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Fish Fight Finale - Hugh's Last Stand

Three years ago, Hugh launched the Fish Fight campaign to highlight the problems facing our global fishing industry. Now Hugh goes back to the North Sea to find out how a more sustainable future for fish and for fishermen might work. Hugh is also back on the case of politicians, supermarkets and big businesses to make sure they keep their promises. 
Tune in this Sunday, 2 March on Channel 4, for Hugh's Last Stand. 

Sunday, 23 February 2014

40 years BSAC affiliated!

We have received a certificate from BSAC to confirm we have been a branch for 40 years! We actually became a club in 1967 (47 years young) but were not affiliated to BSAC until 7 years later. It's still a great excuse for celebrating 2014.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Busy Night

Last Tuesday was an exciting and busy night. We had Ocean Diver and Sports Diver training. We had new trainees join us and a couple of visitors checking us out. It was really buzzing.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Annual General Meeting

The hardy members of South Bristol Divers braved high winds and torrential rain to get to the A.G.M. last night. This was held on board the Sabrina in the docks. We got the hard work of giving reports and voting in the new committee out of the way before spending the rest of the evening arranging the dive calendar for the year and partying.

Friday, 31 January 2014

Do you eat seafood?

If you eat seafood go to the supermarkets with the best policies.
Our Supermarket Seafood Survey is out today, and it’s mixed news for the biggest supermarket chains. Sainsbury’s and M&S come joint 1st with the best seafood policies, own brand sourcing, labelling & more. Coop 2nd, Waitrose 3rd. The UK supermarket with highest market share of seafood, Tesco, declined to take part! Also not participating – Asda, Lidl, Aldi and Spar. We say vote with your feet and get your seafood from the supermarkets who did well >

Monday, 27 January 2014

LIDS 2014

London International Dive Show will be held on 15/16 February. Lots of speakers, exhibitors and more.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Tributes paid to Kendall McDonald.

Former BSAC Chairman and journalist Kendall McDonald has sadly passed away aged 87 following a long illness.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

International Shipwreck Conference 2014

The 2014 International Shipwreck Conference is to be held in February. It includes Chris Holwill talking on one of my favourite Cornish wrecks the

Thursday, 9 January 2014